Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wisdom teeth making top teeth become slightly crooked - invisaline braces?

I've been putting off getting my wisdom teeth taken out because I'm chicken...but now I really need to soon because 4 of my top teeth have gotten slightly crooked. My question is about the invisaline braces. Has anyone ever had them just to fix a few teeth that are slightly off? How long did you have to wear them? Can you talk okay with them on? Any ideas on how expensive it would be just to get my top teeth done? Thanks for any info.

Wisdom teeth making top teeth become slightly crooked - invisaline braces?
you can get the invisalign whenever you want BUT if you dont get those wisdom teeth removed then the invisalign isnt going to do you any good. Just get them removed. its not as bad as it seems, as long as your numbed up, maybe even sedated if you need it, the process will be fairly quick and virtually painless. Then you can talk to someone about invisalign. I havent seen anyone do just one arch, i dont know for sure if they do just one arch but for the whole treatment its about 3-4000.00

It is weird to talk in them for a day or two but you get used to it, the time you wear them depends on how out of line your teeth are. some people are as few as 6 months, some as long as a year, a small few are longer then a year.
Reply:Pull them. Long term solution.
Reply:I am the worst chicken in the world and I kept putting off pulling my wisdom teeth. I finally had all four of them pulled out a few years ago and the fear was a lot worse than the proceedure. Do not put it off!
Reply:Don't be afraid of getting your wisdom teeth out. It will not hurt at all. Go to a oral surgeons office and they will probably put you to sleep, when you awake it's over. Your gums will be sore for a few days but the doctor will prescribe pain medication for this. Do not worry about braces until you first take care of the wisdom teeth. Go see an orthodontist for a consultation appointment and they will tell you all the facts about braces. The cost and how long you will wear them. Best wishes.
Reply:I use to have braces and ignored the wisdom teeth. Now my teeth are crooked again. It was just a little crowding in the beginning, now there is teeth overlaping. I'm getting them out tomorrow. Get the out and get them over with.They may get MORe crooked if you let them fully come in. I'm scared too but I'm soo tired of feeling it. Get them out first then look at all your options to get them straight. Good luck!

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Teeth are getting crooked?

i got my braces of about 6 months ago and stoped weariign my retainer, my teeth are now getting crooked again. iwas wandering if i wore my retainer all the time would they make my teeth straighter seeings how the retainer is a molding of my mouth? any advice...

Teeth are getting crooked?
Check with your orthodontist.

You could start wearing your retainer at night for a couple of months.
Reply:You are usually told by the Orthodontist to wear the retainer at night to maintain the position of the teeth after getting the braces off. Since your teeth are already shifting, you need to go back to the Orthodontist and find out if they need to take a new mold of your teeth. Good Luck.

Plant question

My teeth are really crooked but I'm beyond braces. What should I do? False teeth, bridges?

My back ones are straight, 6 front on top and 7 on bottom are crooked. If I go for false teeth, should I have all pulled at once, or top and bottom separately? Should I only get the crooked ones pulled and then get bridges? What are the pros and cons of false and bridges?

My teeth are really crooked but I'm beyond braces. What should I do? False teeth, bridges?
My teeth are pretty crooked and I'm starting Invisalign soon. I don't have any real gaps or anything. But, mine might be similar to yours because it's really the 6 teeth on the top in the front that need straightening and same for the bottom ones. My back teeth line up pretty well, but really, who cares about your molars?

You'd be surprised what orthodontists can do these days. No one is beyond hope. And if your teeth are healthy, orthodontists are hesitant to pull those healthy teeth. They always want to do their best to save your actual teeth. Real teeth are much better than man-made ones. If it's a question of alignment, there's a lot they can do. The biggest pain is the cost. It'll be expensive, whatever you decide. I'm doing Invisalign for $3400.
Reply:go to your dentist and ask about invisalign.
Reply:i'd recommend a hammer + a chisel... i think you'll really enjoy the results
Reply:I had porcelain veneers put on mine, they actually file your real teeth down to little nubs and put the veneers over top, now I have beautiful teeth. Keep your teeth at all cost!
Reply:Why are you "beyond braces"? Is it because you think you're too old for braces or think your teeth are beyond the help braces might offer? Either way, I'd suggest you go to an orthodontist and see what they have to say: you might be pleasantly surprised.

It's amazing how a beautiful smile is tied up with our image of what an attractive person looks like, so I understand your concern.
Reply:invisalign wont work for really crooked teeth, and you're not beyond braces, youll be surprised at how they work. make a free consultation with your local orthodontist and be on your way to a healthy smile and greater confidence.
Reply:I disagree with the other answerer. Invisalign is merely for minor correcting of crowding. If you defiantely dont want to go the braces route, you could think of putting veneers and crowns on all teeth. Bridges are used to replace missing teeth, so sounds like you defiantely dont need that. More of a case of too many teeth! You can crown teeth and put veneers which will reshape the teeth and are aestetically more pleasing. But again let me remind you the cost will be more. Avg case of braces is $4-5000. 13 veneers is going to cost you approx $8-9000...Hope this helps...
Reply:Why are you beyond braces? Unless you have really bad gum disease, you are probably not beyond braces. They do have braces that are almost invisible (Invisaline).

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Teeth are slightly crooked, but i notice my teeth are shifting. can i get a retainer to help them not shift?

My teeth are slightly crooked. I dont think i would need braces, but i notice my teeth are shifting a bit. could i just get a retainer?

Teeth are slightly crooked, but i notice my teeth are shifting. can i get a retainer to help them not shift?
I am a dental hygienist and have been licensed for over 20 years. I am not an orthodontist, nor do I play one on TV. Your teeth will move and shift throughout life - they are not set in stone. This is normal and you can wear retainers or invisilign to put them back in their original place or shift them a bit. Throughout my life, I have had retainers to correct normal shifting. I would also highly recommend using a nightguard in the evening to prevent further shifting and wear on the teeth.
Reply:Yes, a retainer or night guard will help

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Is my retainer what's making my teeth crooked?

I had braces for about 2 years when I was in middle/high school. It's been a few years since then, and I had always been good about wearing my retainer (every night for over a year, or more, after the braces came off) with no trouble.

After going away for school, I didn't use it as much. Recently, I started to wear it again, however, my teeth seem to be shifting ever so slightly when I consistently use the retainer. I'm 20, and I've had my wisdom teeth (well, 2 wisdom teeth, 2 molars) removed a while back, but the other 2 wisdom teeth are coming in now.

I don't know whether the problem is caused by my wisdom teeth shifting (in which case I need to wear the retainer) or from the retainer itself, as its about 3 years old at this point. I'm curious as to whether anyone else has had a similar problem due to using their retainer long after it was made.

Note: I'm already scheduling an appt. with my orthodontist, but I just wanted to see if anyone had experienced the same thing.

Is my retainer what's making my teeth crooked?
Your retainer is probably too small now. I would stop using it until I saw the orthodntist.
Reply:The retainer is probably trying to put the teeth back in place because it is made to hold the teeth without it spreading apart and becoming crooked again.

So your teeth are probably different than what the retainer's shape is made in so its pushing the teeth in to its original place when you had the braces off, this is my guess.

(i.e. retainer is too small)
Reply:I would talk to your orthodontist about this, it's weird that your teeth are slightly moving again.


How much did you pay for your braces? and how crooked were your teeth?

i am getting braces soon, and would like to know...

How much did you ACTUALLY pay? (not your estimate)

How long did, or are you going to have them for?

How crooked were your teeth?

thank- you

How much did you pay for your braces? and how crooked were your teeth?
I had braces for about 3 years and paid monthly payments to equal about $2000 I had a really bad overbite on top and on bottom they were pretty crooked, one tooth was behind all the others bot now I have beautiful teeth and a great smile definitely worth everything , the time and money.
Reply:oh and by the way, Katie is his ex... sshe is fine with it

and i did talk to my friend and they didnt kno wut to do either

...and dont judge.... Report It

Reply:I got mine when I was in 1st grade [really crooked teeth] but I live in oregon so no sales tax but it was about till 6th grade and price was like 8 grand
Reply:My son's teeth were really crowded, and starting to overlap each other. His braces cost $4,000. Our insurance paid half and we paid half, although we made payments instead of paying it all at one time. He ended up wearing his braces for 3 years, although that was longer than most people wear them. It was well worth it, though. His teeth look great. You'll be really happy you did it.
Reply:I only need my braces on top my teeth were not to crooked...I wore mine for less than a year...the cost was 750.00 with insurance (1400 w/out insurance) top teeth only...

Please refer to link below
Reply:I believe mine were around $2000 Canadian... something like that. My teeth were moderately crooked. I was around 12 years old.
Reply:I got mine almost two years ago. About to get them off in a couple of months. My braces were about 2,000 but we paid them off monthly. I didnt have crooked teeth I just had a gap in the front and its gone now.
Reply:my sons teeth were very crooked. he had a splitter in the roof of his mouth and has been in braces for about 15 months, it will take another year then he will wear retainers for ? (a long time) with insurance it is costing us about 3,000.
Reply:I got my braces a couple of years ago and I paid $4350. It doesn't matter how long you will need to have your braces or how crooked your teeth are, they charge every one the same.(within the same office of course)


Are my teeth crooked?

i know they're crooked, but is it really noticable?

Are my teeth crooked?
No....If I just randomly came across that photo, wouldnt have thought "they`re crooked".

Theres nothing wrong with your teeth.
Reply:not enough for you to do anything about them... I'd get my teeth whitened, but other than that... you have a gorgeous smile...
Reply:a little not enough to worry, but i would worry about that color bleach them and then u got good teeth

And I don't know what the people above are talking about they look white to me:)
Reply:they're fine....just u need to whiten them or s/t


As the US always boasts about its dental care why do thier serial killers always have crooked teeth ?

No cheeky answers or I will be over the there to kick some butt!!

As the US always boasts about its dental care why do thier serial killers always have crooked teeth ?
Why is this even a topic of discussioN?? Dental care is not like medical care - not everyone has it. It seems that you almost have to be middle class now to even be able to get dental care. Plus these guys in prison might never had dental care before, why give it to them now? No way should a serial killer have better teeth than the common man. Sure fix their absesses (?), cavities, etc. - but don't whiten their teeth or straighten them!
Reply:Dental care is a choice.
Reply:There is a difference between HAVING IT and REQUIRING everyone use it.
Reply:this is one issue where the US does excel - teeth. ever been to europe? Disgusting. Europe is one place where a frown looks better than a smile.
Reply:jeffery Dahmer had gorgeous teeth. of course he ate the victims... He had a Blender on his front porch so he could greet you with a
Reply:you're thinking of the UK.

is that where you are?

i haven't been to a dentist in years by the way.
Reply:coz they are busy chewing on METH all day long, it rots their teeth!!
Reply:You make a false assumption about the teeth of serial killers; some of them have very fine looking teeth: Ted Bundy is a prime example.

Dental care for US citizens is very expensive now so you will probably see more snaggle toothed Yanks running around in the future.
Reply:Well at least they HAVE teeth..................

pearl necklace

Whats the harm of wearing your retainers after ortho treatment has ended? don't want crooked teeth to come bac

No harm. In fact most orthos will tell you that if you want your teeth to stay stright for life, you need to wear retainers at night forever. Most people don't do this, and that why when they're older their teeth start shifting. Your teeth will always want to move back to their original position so the retainer holds them in their new alignment.

Whats the harm of wearing your retainers after ortho treatment has ended? don't want crooked teeth to come bac
no harm. my ortho told me that i should wear my retainer as long as i wanted to keep straight teeth lol.
Reply:after five years of braces my sister lost hers.. yep her teeth are back to the same position when she first started... i put a bar behind my lowers i worked in the dental feild for over 13 years so after my braces as an adult i don't mind 1 extra min brushing in my day.
Reply:No harm. Just brush and floss before bed. Wear those things EVERY night forever! Teeth shift througout life. The smile we have now won't be the smile we have in 20+ years (they won't be as white either!)--that's just life. It all comes with birthdays. But, to maintain as proper position as possible, wear your retainers while you sleep from now on.


I am not saying I am ugly but I am very pretty!I have crooked teeth and am getting braces!?

I have like 1 or 2 pimples every now and then does concealer work on those?Will I still look pretty?How long does putting on braces usually take?How long will I have to wear them?

I am not saying I am ugly but I am very pretty!I have crooked teeth and am getting braces!?
Getting braces on usually takes a short time (an hour or two) but you may need more than one appointment to get it all done depending on what all you're having done, and then you have to go in regularly for tightenings and adjustments and whatnot.

As for how long you have to wear them, it entirely depends on how much work is being done. I wore mine for 2 years in HS. My sister, however, had hers from age 9 to age 18. It was weird seeing her without them, after she's literally spent half her life wearing them.
Reply:look at it like this you will not have them on for the rest of your life, and be careful when kissing people I got a wicked infection when a gf kissed me and cut my lip.
Reply:omg braces suck. i mean they're not that bad, but they arent that great. i got em like a year and a half ago but im getting em off soon!! im so excited :)

everyone says they hurt really bad and stuff but mine like never hurt. and of course you will still look pretty, just a little different. the average amount of time for braces is about 1-2 years. it depends on how bad your teeth are.

them putting on the braces isnt bad at all. it only takes like an hour which goes by pretty fast.

good luck!!
Reply:lool!!ahhahaha u dont look ugly with braces on..i know so many pretty girls who just love their brace..probably cuz u get to choose your favorite color..and i also had braces..and not for 2 years..i had them on for 4 years!!and u look even more gorgeous when the treatment is done :) so cheer up its a natural teenager thing..
Reply:I'm sure u r pretty! It usually takes 1 hr. to get your braces on. It will just depend on if it is a typical brace going on. You will normally weat 'em for 18 mos. to 2 yrs.
Reply:well i had braces too.. my teeth were pretty bad. It took 3 years before they took them off. It only took that long because i kept breaking brakets! then again having can take up to 1- 4 years... it all depends on what your orthodontist says.

Pimples are apart of life. Every1 gets them.. just wash your face daily and then they will eventually go away!
Reply:Ooo I have braces, but they are coming off at crimbo =]. Having braces doesn't make you ugly... and think of it like this. Afterwards you will be even prettier because you will have lovely straight teeth! Hurray! xx

performing arts

Ywould think a guy is ugly if his teeth are a little crooked?

A little crooked, but not a lot. One of my front teeth are a little crooked. My bottom teeth are little crowded.

Ywould think a guy is ugly if his teeth are a little crooked?
Just so you brush them
Reply:If it's not too bad, then it's no problem. Plus, if you hate it too much, you can always get it fixed.
Reply:just because its a little sceevey to look at those kind of teeth but i dont think people will think ur ugly
Reply:Very few people have perfectly straight teeth. No I would not think it made you ugly. Anyway I would not decide on dating a guy by his teeth, I look toward personality and cleanliness first.
Reply:hmm one of my bottom teeth is kinda crooked also. No one seems to notice but me. I don't think having slightly crooked teeth makes a guy less attractive unless its like totally crooked teeth but Its not the teeth I care about its the guy.
Reply:no its not a big deal as long as you brush and floss its all good

mortgage rate

How much do Damon Braces cost and are they good for crowded and crooked teeth?

What do they look like? I went to their website but it didnt show what i needed. thx

How much do Damon Braces cost and are they good for crowded and crooked teeth?
I can't tell you the cost, since treatment fees are so variable from one orthodontist to another. Usually, fees are determined by the type of correction needed and length of treatment. I don't think the type of braces make that much of a difference in the fee. Clear braces are sometimes an additional cost.

Damon braces, like any bracket, work well. The idea behind the Damon system is that the wire sits inside of a chamber instead of having an elastic tied around the bracket. This reduces the amount of friction on the wire and is said to speed up the alignment process. Personally, I don't think the type of bracket makes as much a difference as the diagnosis and proper treatment planning. Much of the advantages and superiority of certain braces over others comes from marketing. That said, used properly they are a good bracket.

Here is a web site that shows a close-up of the bracket:


Im 15 years old with an under bite and my top jaw has crooked teeth?

im about to get braces and will have them on for about 2-3years. by the time im 17-18 years old or even older when i've completely stop growing im considering fixing my jaw. My question is what are the options available to me to fix my jaw so that my bite will have a normal appearance. Also details on costs and time would be appreciated, thanks.

Im 15 years old with an under bite and my top jaw has crooked teeth?
Braces will for sure help your crooked teeth. Also, headgear is one fix to under bite, depending on how severe it is. I know there is a surgery that will correct severe underbites. Talk to your dentist and/or doctor about correcting your underbite, they will be able to help you figure out the best way to correct everything along with a bid/price. Good Luck!!
Reply:if you look any thing like your avator thats the LEAST you have to worry about when it comes to your appearence

my bird

LADIES: Would you rather date a bald man w/ no teeth or a man w/ hair but disgusting, stained, crooked teeth?

which one is nicer??

LADIES: Would you rather date a bald man w/ no teeth or a man w/ hair but disgusting, stained, crooked teeth?
i'd rather be alone!!
Reply:depends. how beautiful is his hair. lol
Reply:Neither, My guy has got to have good teeth. And there are a lot of hot bald guys some of them can pull it off.
Reply:Probably bald.

It's hard to choose!! eeek. :|

I'd rather be A L O N E.
Reply:Well - thanks for the choice
Reply:bald and gummy. . .nasty teeth are N*A*S*T*Y!!!
Reply:there's always wigs or spray on hair...

but hey, some guys rock the bald look!lol =)
Reply:umm i wouldnt date either one
Reply:What a dumb question! I hate would you rather.
Reply:aren't you the one who asked the fat lady with awesome legs vs. thin lady with ugly legs question? lol

anyway, i'd rather date a bald man with no teeth i guess....
Reply:i'd rather take my dog out
Reply:A man with hair but the ugly teeth!
Reply:Would rather date a bald (can be hidden) guy than kiss one with disgusting teeth.
Reply:good question...I have no idea. I guess be alone.
Reply:bald %26amp; good teeth !!!

no other choice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:neither but if i have to. he can be bald with no teeth lol
Reply:Ok this is hard…well I can be alone and I would die having no date anyway so thanks. LOL
Reply:Well I dated women with both
Reply:I'll pass on both, thanks.
Reply:bald, some could pull it off
Reply:i would rather date none becuz there both disgusting old freaks and im not tryin to be mean
Reply:Are you asking about me and my brother again?

Neither of us wants to go out with you.
Reply:I am turned on by crooked teeth. I'm not an American.
Reply:If I must choose one then the man with hair and the crooked teeth. I could always take him to a dentist for some invisalign and zoom whitening.
Reply:Bald head. I like to kiss so that would be the wisest thing for me to do.
Reply:Falsies that need a good cleaning and a tooth replaced, look no further.
Reply:None cause i already have a husband that i can go on dates with

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Has anyone had invisalign??? how long did it take for your teeth to straighten?? i just have 3 crooked teeth?

Go to an orthodontist for a consultation. They can let you know how long treatment would be and if you are even a candidate for invisilign. Not everyone is.

Has anyone had invisalign??? how long did it take for your teeth to straighten?? i just have 3 crooked teeth?
I will be getting invisalign later this month. The tray would move my teeth and I have to pick up a tray every two weeks. My top teeth would be straight first before my bottom teeth. Once my top teeth is fix, I have to wear a retainer while working on my bottom teeth. Everybody's teeth is different. Talk to your dentist to see how long it will take.

my cat

Where can i download make damn sure- taking back sunday and crooked teeth- death cab for cutie?

does anyone know? {; thanks!

Where can i download make damn sure- taking back sunday and crooked teeth- death cab for cutie?
try limewire

family nanny

Do you think that girls will never kiss a guy with crooked teeth, even though they are so white and no bad odr

no sweetie, most girls out there wont care whether your teeth are crooked. some girls even like it, it adds character to your look! you will find plenty of girls that will like you for you and not how straight your teeth are. dont worry about it.

Do you think that girls will never kiss a guy with crooked teeth, even though they are so white and no bad odr
I don't go for guys with crooked teeth. It's awful to look at. Not to mention the teeth bite me during oral sex. Get braces.
Reply:I guess it is better than a perfect aligned teeth but has a serious breath problem.
Reply:get braces man crooked teeth are a way turn off to a girl
Reply:hey, i merried a great guy. but he has a baaad problem with his teeth. they are not the best, and he has a disease and thats why they dont have any enamle so they break down and he gets cavities a lot. but its not what that person looks like unless your a shollow peoson yourself. i love him for him, not because of his appearance. when your in love, its love, when your worried about looks, its just lust or like.
Reply:well depends how crooked... id rather kiss that guy than someone with smelly breath and yellow teeth that are straight!!! get braces though if you can. is best. they work really well and you won't regret it.
Reply:I don't mind crooked teeth as long as they are clean. Johnny Depp's teeth have never been straight and he is dead sexy. My boyfriend's teeth aren't perfectly straight and I think that adds character. If you don't feel good about them, you could always get braces, but don't do that just for a chick, we aren't worth that much money, lol.
Reply:yea i think they would! i would get some clear braces!
Reply:My husband has a hairline space between his teeth, but he is a wonderful man, his higene and so on, is great. Crooked teeth, to some may cause no attraction, but if they are looking for personality and you have a great one, then you will find someone to kiss you
Reply:I'm gunna be the odd one out here... Perfect teeth are nice, but honestly, I don't mind teeth that are a little messed. My boyfriend's teeth are far from perfect but I like them :)

*Wow read the other answers, totally not what I expected.*
Reply:Well... if a girl doesn't want to date you because you have crooked teeth, you're better off without her! There are plenty of girls in this world who are able to look past appearances and like a guy for who he is. Just don't settle for less, and you'll find her. Good luck.
Reply:There ARE women who care about the person you are, not the appearance. Taking care of what God gave you is all you should worry about.
Reply:If the right girl comes along. you have nothing to worry about. Too many people out there worrying what they look like. DONT YOU BE ONE OF THEM
Reply:In all honesty, teeth are very important!!! they show good hygeine. If you need braces, get them. I didn't get mine until I was 19 (paid for them myself) it was the best choice I ever made. I'm sure youll be kissed, but maybe not by the girl you want to kiss. Ponder this who do Americans look up to? Movie stars. Why? Because they are beautiful. Image isn't everything, but it is the front door to your personality. Would you kiss a girl with crooked teeth?
Reply:crooked and white with clean mouth- is just fine... straight teeth is absolutely not a necessity.
Reply:Personally, I do not like guys with crooked teeth, but if the guy is hott i would think about it.

Reply:Here's good news: crooked teeth are sexy in Japan. The Japanese feel they all look so similar, so people leave crooked teeth unmodified very often. Data a Japanese!


Did you like the Futurama tubes ? Lets make them real, go to Write us!
Reply:If you can afford orthodontic treatment...go for it!not for the girl but for yourself.for your own dental health,looks %26amp; social image.

my dog

The field of dentistry that specializes in the straightening of 'crooked teeth' is _____.?





The field of dentistry that specializes in the straightening of 'crooked teeth' is _____.?
Reply:Orthodontics I think
Reply:you get daily trivia in your e-mail box don't you?

Endodonititics is related to root canals.

Periodontitics is realted to the bone surround the teeth.

Malocclusodontics (not sure if that's even real) is realted to occlusion and jaw alignment --%26gt; maxofacial surgeons.


What is the meaning behind the lyrics to the song "crooked teeth" by death cab for cutie?

Anise is the scent on the artificial rabbit that is used in greyhound races.

What is the meaning behind the lyrics to the song "crooked teeth" by death cab for cutie?
Against personal will, he has to leave a girl he loves.

That is what I made of it at least.
Reply:check here for song meanings-

loan forum

What should i deal with first, my body odour problem, crooked teeth, nervous bladder or that fact that my mum?

still dresses me?

What should i deal with first, my body odour problem, crooked teeth, nervous bladder or that fact that my mum?
Your mum still dresses you?! I hope she doesn't undress you too sweetie............Lmao
Reply:i don't see a problem with any of those...
Reply:Here's a song for you. Why don't you just chill for a bit.
Reply:How about stop asking stupid annoying long and boring questions....whose with me, thumbs up then!!!!!!
Reply:Why don't you just wear a nappy, bathe more (and wear deodorant) get a brace for your teeth, and tell your Mum you can dress yourself! (you can do that can't you?)
Reply:What a wonderful array of things to choose from. I reckon you should strip off, put a nappy on, go swimming then visit a dentist.

Always remember there's nothing wrong with being different, even if you do smell and have bad teeth.
Reply:I don`t know. Ask yer dad.
Reply:Definitely the crooked teeth...take yourself off to the dentist at once!

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Do you think these are a temporary coverup for crooked teeth? CREDIBLE? CALLING DENTISTS!!!?

Do you think these are a temporary coverup for crooked teeth? CREDIBLE? CALLING DENTISTS!!!?
no because in order to put these on appropriately and in a way that wont look fake- your teeth need to be shaved down at a dentist office. my dad looked into this and they shave your teeth down to a pointy shape and attatch veneers- it is also very expensive.

i have crooked teeth too and i am going to go with regular braces, this is the best and fastest and most affordable way to fix the problem.

p.s the website looks reallly shady- i think it is a waste of money and possible a scam.
Reply:You are right, the best thing would be for you to go to the dentist, but the temporary coverups would be good until you can afford to go to the dentist.
Reply:Temporary - Yes.

Permanent - No.
Reply:Those are really expensive (Almost $500). Especially for "do it yourself". Why don't you find a cosmetic dentist who will take payments or offer you financing? I feel you would be throwing your money away on the temporaries. Good luck.

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What do you think of people who have crooked teeth?

no ignorant answers please

What do you think of people who have crooked teeth?
I think that either they do not have the money to get them fixed or that their parents did not have the money when they were young. Many times it is either very invasive or time consuming too.

I don't think any less of them. It is not a means to determine the character of a person.
Reply:i dont think nothing of it people with crooked teeth smile alot though
Reply:Not sure, I am superficial when it comes to teeth and I have no idea why.
Reply:I judge the personality, not the appearance.
Reply:Well, we certainly shouldn't judge but just so everyone knows, straight teeth can make a difference in one's appearance and change the facial structure in a positive way. Crooked teeth is really caused by not pulling wisdom teeth in adult (or baby teeth in children) in time during their growth, thus their presence can actually push the permanent teeth out of their normal position and affect other surrounding teeth, giving its crooked appearance.

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What do you do if you have yellow, crooked teeth? not saying that i have some!!?

and i'm not on drugs!!

What do you do if you have yellow, crooked teeth? not saying that i have some!!?
I would go to the dentist and get braces or whatever, and then get them bleached as soon as teh braces came off.
Reply:Id go to the dentist and have them fix them
Reply:first, i love that song, crooked teeth, death cab for cutie, but if i had teeth like that i would try to fix them, if not id tell people to stop being so shallow.
Reply:I would go to the dentist.....
Reply:Yellowness might be worsened by drinking too much dark soda pop. Try drinking more milk. There are quite a few whitening toothpastes out there. My grandparents used baking soda to brush their teeth. I think teeth also get yellower with age, so a whitening treatment from a dentist might be what you need. To straighten out crooked teeth, you might want to see an orthodontist about braces or a retainer. I assume if you're not using drugs you are also avoiding tobacco, since smoking makes teeth yellow, too.
Reply:and if you're not into dentists, a whitening toothpaste would do. just not sure on the crooked teeth though. a specialist is needed to have this corrected.
Reply:Go to an orthodontist and get braces, if you don't have any money then most places allow you to make payments. Then go to walmart and get some crest white strips. They will whiten your teeth in no time. Good luck, everybody likes white straight teeth.

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Would you be friends with somebody who had crooked teeth?

are you serious? I'm guessing your young maybe a teenager? It doesn't matter what someone looks like to be friends with them, as long as they are nice and have a nice personality that is all that really matters.

Would you be friends with somebody who had crooked teeth?
why not ?
Reply:it doesn't matter about looks its whats inside
Reply:For real? Are people that shallow? What's that got to do with friendship? Well, my final answer long as his mind and personality are not crooked, why not?
Reply:Of course not if they're not hot why bother right. lol j\k
Reply:Hell I married someone with crooked teeth. If you wouldn't be friends with a person based on how straight or crooked their teeth are maybe you do not deserve to have friends. That is supremely shallow. Shame on you even for asking that.
Reply:is this really a question? Why not? Is the guy with crooked teeth contagious? Is he going to bite you with his crooked teeth? If you had crooked teeth would you still want people to be friends with you? What's the big deal? I say get over it.
Reply:i am friends with one.

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Do you know of any stars that have crooked teeth?

I wonder how some of them get it so straight...perfection.

Do you know of any stars that have crooked teeth?
Look at TOm Cruis when he did Risky Business.

THos are white Chicklets
Reply:yes, jewel (the singer) and lauren hutton (was a model) both do. i also notice lots of models have not so perfect teeth.
Reply:the singer "jewel" has very crooked teeth and madonna has the infamous gap
Reply:I think they use silicon to fill in the gaps :)
Reply:Katie Holmes
Reply:Ethan Hawk - Reality Bites. Wow his teeth are screwed up
Reply:Well, they are caps or professionally straightened, so it's not their natural beauty. Lauren Hutton has a big gap and Elliott Yamin from American Idol has seriously crooked teeth. So does actor Steve Buscemi. Lots of older actors have really crooked bottom teeth.
Reply:hilary duff didn't b4
Reply:will ferrell has crooked bottom teeth and the singer for The Darkness too
Reply:Dennis Waterman
Reply:tom cruise had crooked teeth until the last mission impossible, he had clear braces. Rumor was he did it because his daughter needed them and he wanted to show it it was ok. I dont really like him, as an actor but if he really got braces for that reason h'es a good dad.
Reply:Billie Joe's teeth are kind of crooked
Reply:Tom Cruise, Jewel, Kevin Costner. Many stars have thousands of dollars of dental work done to have straight perfect teeth. I think mostly they do crown/veneers and things like that to get them perfect.


Are braces the only way to straighten crooked teeth?

It's the only way that I can think of. but they have those clear braces now that you can put on and take off your self. they are kind of like mouth shields and you can't even tell they're on

Are braces the only way to straighten crooked teeth?
well.. u can have them pulled and put false teeth.. no cavities for the rest of your life.. and waa..laaa... straight teeth too..
Reply:No. A chisel and hammer will work.
Reply:Nope. My teeth are perfectly straight its scary. People ask me if i have had braces... i have never not even once in my life stepped foot in a dentist office. My mom told me that when i was little and my teeth were coming out she would massage my gums everyday and at night till all my baby tooth came out. Then she kept doing in till some of my permanent teeth came out...then she told me to do it till all of my permanent teeth came out. Its weird and old fashioned but hey it worked.
Reply:I would use the plastic bite on strips. The dentist has them.
Reply:Well you can have something done called laminates to make your teeth straight and white. But they are expensive, but not as expensive as braces! And it doesn't hurt at all, takes only 2 or 3 visits to the dentist and you don't have as much risk for decay.
Reply:You could try a retainer.
Reply:dentures do the same thing !
Reply:they have those invisiline things at orthodontist offices they are kinda expensive but they aren't as noticeable as reg. braces.
Reply:no they could just pull some of ur teeth out and laser some of ur gums away but they they laser ur gums while u r awake and my friend had that done she couldnt chew 4 a week
Reply:No, you could ask your dentist if he/she does porcelain veneers. It's instant orthodontics without the pain and waiting. A retainer only retains the teeth in their present position it doesnt move the teeth. And dentures would only be necessary if you have severe tooth problems.

credit report

Anyone know why Kirsten Dunst has such crooked teeth?

And why she hasn't done anything about it.

Anyone know why Kirsten Dunst has such crooked teeth?
Her teeth are crooked due to genetics.

She hasn't done anything about it because they're not ugly, they're a unique aspect of her appearance, and they add to her appeal.

It'd be sad if every single actor had the same, perfect, capped teeth.

In fact, I appreciate the fact that she likes herself, crooked teeth and all!
Reply:Why do you care?
Reply:she was born that way and maybe she is happy with the way she is
Reply:Genetics is why. She hasn't fixed them because they're cute.
Reply:She said in the Star Magazine the reason is that she thinks crooked teeth are sexy. I would have them fixed if I had her money but maybe she likes them.
Reply:She doesn't, you know. Her second teeth, the ones next to the incisors, curve inward, like a child's teeth. It's cute, or hideous, depending on how you feel about Ms. Dunst and yourself, i suppose.
Reply:maybe she thinks that people are more focused on her acting (which is her job) and less on her teeth...which I haven't even noticed were crooked if they are.
Reply:Do ALL celebrities have to have perfect teeth? Isn't it refreshing that someone doesn't alter their appearance to suit the media's ideal cookie-cutter image? Go, Kirsten!
Reply:She's not as obsessed with the Hollywood look as the other actresses, which I think is good. Keep up the crooked teeth-look Kirsten!
Reply:There are so many stars that have crooked teeth and I don't know why they don't do anything to fix it. It's not like they can't afford invisaligns or something, lol. They just do. Us non-celebrities sometimes have straighter teeth then a huge A-list star.
Reply:b/c she was born like that

maybe she likes them like that
Reply:It's her style, look at Patricia Arquette or Lauren Bacall. She may just be keeping real and they haven't hurt her career.
Reply:rom opening beer with her teeth! If she does anything about it then she won't be able to open beer with her teeth!
Reply:Don't you have anything more important to think about. Who the hell cares
Reply:Jewel has a snaggle tooth, and Madonna has a gap in her front teeth. Maybe she likes them that way.
Reply:does it really matter? i think everyone has done said what i wanted to...
Reply:She was born that way and likes the way she looks.
Reply:My first guess would be that she was born that way and my second guess is that she's not giving into the belief that Hollywood actresses have to be perfect in order to be considered attractive or talented.
Reply:It's to offset her giant head.
Reply:I would guess they are crooked cuz she hasn't worn braces!! Why should she fix them if they don't bother her? It's not like they take away from her natural beauty. Unless of course you are totally shallow and think only perfect can be beautiful.


I am severely depressed cos of my crooked teeth am 23 want braces but cant afford to go private can nhs help?

i had the chance when i was at school but my mother was an alcoholic and couldnt be botherd to brush my hair let alone consider my oral health she would often tease me in a drunken rant i also recieved bullying at school this has given me very low self esteem i have no confidence what so ever. want to do more with myself as i did well at school but i cant get past this sometimes i get so low because of this.

I am severely depressed cos of my crooked teeth am 23 want braces but cant afford to go private can nhs help?
Some cosmetic dentists have a goal of doing at least 5 pro bono cases a year. This is especially in the big cities. You can see if there are some available.
Reply:I'm no expert, but there maybe some government service that could provide assistance. I am from the U.S. While we have no socialized medicine, it is my understanding that England does, so you could attempt to find more information regarding the services provided by your government. In the U.S., many low income people go to Mexico or elsewhere. I really feel that the cost for medical and dental services are unreasonable and unjustifiable in many locations. Countries such as Mexico and Thailand are providing much needed medical and dental service to Americans, who are uninsured and/or unable to afford the cost of medical/dental service in their home country.

skin cancer

Would you date someone who has horribly crooked teeth?

As long as they kept there mouth shut......................

Would you date someone who has horribly crooked teeth?
To be honest it wouldn't be pleasant for me. Teeth and a nice smile are right up there on my list of good qualities.
Reply:I don't have a mouth.
Reply:No but ifshe's sexy and nice on the outside... YES!!!!
Reply:No, that is one of my faults. I do not like crooked teeth. It grosses me out because they would be so difficult to clean. It is no ones fault but I would not date them.
Reply:hell no u cant date some1 like that but if u really like her then u gotta look past that isnt it
Reply:absolutely not! Unless they had an appointment the next day for braces!
Reply:I have and I did marry someone like that. When the time came, we bought him new teeth and we are living happily ever after!
Reply:Yes, if he is a rich guy. Then I'll ask him to get his teeth fixed.
Reply:I think that he would have to be willing to get them straightened!
Reply:I'll consider it...
Reply:Yes i would
Reply:Sorry but teeth are really important to me but I did start dating this guy and his teeth were a mess and I convinced him to get them fixed then we split up lol
Reply:well the teeth is great factor, it is the first thing your date would notice if you are talking or smiling although if you really like her because she is so likeable, why not take a risk. who'll know that she is really pretty deep inside.
Reply:I guess I'm shallow. The first thing I notice are teeth. My husband has perfect teeth.
Reply:No i'm a perfectionist!!!
Reply:Yes. I am not so superficial and shallow that someone's looks would stand in the way of my getting to know a person. I have dated models with perfect features and enormous egos and have been more impressed with everyday, ordinary-looking schmoes with crooked teeth. Imperfections like that can be fixed.
Reply:yes because then i would always have a can opener nearby


I just wanna know, because of having crooked teeth, even though they are so white, girls would never kiss me?

Straight teeth help you make a great first impression, then it's personality. So if your teeth are crooked they may never get to know what a great person you are.


Would you date someone if they had crooked teeth?

even if you got along and liked their personality

Would you date someone if they had crooked teeth?
Yeah I would date them. Not every ones perfect and if someone has a problem with something as little as crooked teeth then they're never going to find the "one" coz no one is perfect.
Reply:i suppose
Reply:Bc some ppl look into personality..They arent shallow..Its not a bad thing..It shows someone how they are acepted
Reply:yes, if they at least brush enough to make up for odor prevention
Reply:yes if his pesonality is good
Reply:if personality is ther for sure...
Reply:as long as they where clean !
Reply:get some braces...people do like nice teeth and that's cuz they like people who smile...and nobody wants to see you smile if you have bad teeth. seriously, i'm not being facetious or putting you down, but look into getting some'll feel much better and more secure with yourself.
Reply:no 2 me thats nasty and ugly
Reply:Yes, I definitely would!
Reply:Then the crooked teeth should not matter. In a few decades, you too won't have any teeth. Besides, crooked teeth can be fixed.

auto financing

Would you rather have perfect, straight teeth that are discolored or pointy crooked teeth that are white?

perfect, straight teeth that are discolored

easier 2 whiten than 2 straighten(which os also rather painful!!):-P

Would you rather have perfect, straight teeth that are discolored or pointy crooked teeth that are white?
Straight, discolored... you can always bleach. Way cheaper to fix then crooked teeth.
Reply:perfect straight cuz at least you can just get them whitened.
Reply:neither... I'd try to save some money to get them fixed : )

Reply:I would prefer the straight teeth if they were naturally beige or yellow. I don't think I would want nicotine or coffee stained teeth.
Reply:Discoloured Straight Perfect Teach.

Easier To Whiten Them Than To Straighten Them.
Reply:striahidsijdsjdisjdisjdklsjdlksjdksjdlks... crooked
Reply:perfect and straight !

discolored? that's what crest whitesrips are for.

car audio

What matters most: Bad breath or crooked teeth?

bad breath cuz if u just sitten there and u smell a dead animal coming though ur face i think i'll die, i mean it's ok if u sit there and stare at the crooked teeth it's nothing to me.

What matters most: Bad breath or crooked teeth?
i'm gonna go with crooked teeth...
Reply:bad breath! you can fix the teeth but some people have perfect teeth and bad breath!
Reply:I cant stand bad teeth.

Bad breath can be fixed easily.


I am 50 years old with crooked teeth, what are my alternatives?

Orthodontics is always an option. People are never too old to get their teeth straightened! One contributing factor that need to be under control before orthodontic treatment could begin is if you have an uncontrolled periodontal (gum) disease. Many adults do not like the idea of wearing braces, however; you do see it more and more. There are also ceramic braces that are similar in color to your teeth (instead of the metal brackets). Also with Invisalign or similar treatments, crooked teeth can be corrected without any braces at all. However, not every person is a candidate for Invisalign.

Other options are: Veneers (porcelain facades for the teeth), Bonding and Enamel Recontouring.

It is difficult to say which treatment is the best for you without reviewing your case personally! But either way, age does not really play a factor in the different alternatives!

I am 50 years old with crooked teeth, what are my alternatives?
Braces! And, yes, they will work at our advanced age....
Reply:you can get them pulled and get implants , you can get them braces, you can get crowns and veneers. all are expensive.
Reply:Obesity, alcoholism, unemployment.. or braces.
Reply:get alot of dental work Done mang...

get Dental insurance if u do not yet have one..
Reply:My mom had her braces in her 40's! You're not too old!
Reply:you can go the expense of braces or check with your dentist about have the vaneer procedure done which should help a great deal
Reply:You are never to old for invisible braces!
Reply:Do you want to join the club? My teeth are like a bunch of tombstones after a bad earthquake, I am 57 and sometimes think about having something done with them, but the cost and hassle keeps me from acting.


Would you date a girl with crooked teeth, sparkling eyes, five pounds overweight, and a great smile?

sure... teeth can always be fixed.

Would you date a girl with crooked teeth, sparkling eyes, five pounds overweight, and a great smile?
why should her looks matter
Reply:and no gag reflex?
Reply:If I weren't married, of course I would.
Reply:If she were a nice person.
Reply:let me see a pic
Reply:Every time.
Reply:HELL YEAH!!! send me a pic. lol.
Reply:Crooked teeth, and a great smile? Sorry, but I am bit confused?
Reply:tell her to get braces and go to the gym than check bak in 2 years
Reply:5 pounds over weight??? thats not even an issue. croocked teeth can be fixed.
Reply:I'm a chick, but I wouldn't have a problem dating someone with crooked teeth, seeing as mine aren't that straight.

And a little extra pounds on a girl wouldn't hurt either of us. It's better than being sooooo skinny that you look sickly.
Reply:ur talkin abot urself, and the only not so great thing is ur teeth and thats not a big deal at all.
Reply:Yes why not? Two words... braces.
Reply:OK, so I'm not a guy. But I once dated a guy who had really crooked teeth but I still thought he had a great smile. I also thought he had pretty eyes. And he wasn't five pounds overweight but he was six inches shorter than me. I really liked him until I found out that he was a jerk and only dated me because he "needed" a girlfriend (this was in 8th grade). But I surely would have stayed with him if he had been a super-nice guy and interested in me.
Reply:well only bad thing is the crooked teeth, 5 pounds aint bad i'd probably prefer it :)

so i wouldnt see anything bad about doing so as i'd get to like the teeth because of who they belong to :)
Reply:Crooked teeth and grerat smile? I doubt it.
Reply:loox are good but it depends on her personality
Reply:I'm sure there are many guys who patient and have confidence in yourself.
Reply:if she had a big fat booty, and braces is one word
Reply:Looks aren't everything, you have to have a personality to back everything up, and you already know that.

Good luck, and with some confidence you will be fine.
Reply:Depends on u.
Reply:Just the fact that you are asking this question shows some insecurity.

Why dont you have a makeover day? Get your hair and make-up done, get a new outfit, bring a friend with you and make a whole day out of it before you hit the clubs in the evening....

A lot of guys prefer girls with confidence. If a guy sees you're not confident then he will steer clear.

Have faith in yourself. Crooked teeth can be fixed, 5 pounds can be lost, and you've got those sparkling eyes!

You don't want a guy who centres on looks. Yes, he has to be fairly attracted to you, I won't lie, but as I said, confidence can be more attractive than looks!

Keep your chin up, have confidence, and spoil yourself! It sounds like you deserve it!
Reply:Teeth can be fixed. Those sparklings eyes sound nice!
Reply:if the girl im in love with now had crooked teeth,, n was five pounds over weight i'd still be with her and i'd still love her just as much if not more. Love has nothing to do with looks.
Reply:I prefer my girls with no teeth at all and fat (5 lbs isn't enough)
Reply:I agree with dork. Why should looks matter? Only those who are shallow won't date her.

Reply:im not a guy but i know most guys would, why because that sounds like me!

i have a good personality, and have always dated older men.

all of my exs have asked me back, weird, but i was also told i was great when i came to other things as well, so may be that's why they wanted me back.

business finance

Does breathing from your mouth cause crooked teeth cus i read some where it can...?


Does breathing from your mouth cause crooked teeth cus i read some where it can...?
No. That's an old wives' tale.
Reply:I dunno. I'd be surprised if it does.
Reply:No, that doesn't make any sense.
Reply:breathe from your mouth??? cause crooked teeth? where did you read this. air flowing at a very low rate of speed into your trachea, into your lungs and back out again isn't going to cause you to have crooked teeth. likes like saying clapping with your fingers instead of your hands will cause you to go bald.
Reply:no. probably the mouth is too small; teeth are crowded, not enough space.
Reply:I've never heard that one, but it can cause plaque build up which can lead to dental caries and periodontal disease which causes bone loss which can cause teeth to losen, but never heard of it causing crooked teeth.

car makes

Will a set og grillz fit crooked teeth?

You can get custom ones if you really need to and have the money.

Will a set og grillz fit crooked teeth?
Spend your money on orthodontics.
Reply:probly not....but youll look GANGSTA!!!
Reply:Grillz have to be fitted for your teeth when you by them. If they are fitted to crooked teeth, they'll fit.
Reply:ur gonna have to get bracess
Reply:Agree with polk, get ya own teef strait kid!!!
Reply:You know, dude, that is a FANTASTIC idea you just sort of hit upon: Grillz that double as braces. Why Not!?

Somebody wishes they'd come up with that. Patent it -- quick.
Reply:no but braces will
Reply:do not spend money on this.... spend money on orhto and getting a good oral health report


LADIES -- cute funny guy with horrible crooked teeth?

how would you cope with someone like that?

when ever they laugh you want to cry.

LADIES -- cute funny guy with horrible crooked teeth?
It sounds like your being a little judgemental. So what if his teeth are crooked? Are you made perfect? If it bothers you that bad then why did you even ask this question, it sounds like your a tad shallow, sorry.
Reply:Thanks for making my morning LMAO.

Austin Powers came to mind, sorry.

Bring him to a good dentist. He's gotta know.
Reply:Where in England do you live?

Go to a civilized country and put some braces on him. Two years later he'll be Heath Ledger.
Reply:If you like the person that should not bother you at all.
Reply:If you like him don't sweat it -- his teeth can always be corrected. It's what is inside that really counts doesn't it?
Reply:Horrible crooked teeth is a small problem as it can be easily fixed. You cant fix a horrible personality.
Reply:usually girls don't look at a guy's teeth. We look at the eyes. And if your the guy with the teeth, then don't feel bad. I know how you feel. Every time i try to laugh I have to cover my teeth. It is embarrassing. but if they are yellow, then you could get Crest White Strips. That is what I did and they worked the very first day I got them. As for the crookedness, all I can say is braces if they are bad. I used to have a huge gap between my front teeth when I was little. I could stick chicken and straws in them. But they eventually closed up. But don't worry man, it's all about the personality. That's why we fall in love with guys. Good luck!!!

Reply:Funny, the first thing that came to mind was what tacomadc said. I just recently had a "British teeth" discussion with an English friend. Just remember that teeth can be fixed, but funny and a big heart are good qualities that are hard to come by. Everyone has their quirks that make them unique. It isn't bothering him, try not to let it bother you.
Reply:my bf is like that.. and trust me when you really get to know him those teeth will not even bother you.. you wont even notice daughter was born with a big red patch across her nose and i never see it.. just like a lot of people .. once you get to know them all you really see is them
Reply:Look at the big picture, you could do worse, if you really like everything else about him continue to see him. Remember teeth can be corrected.


Should my sister get braces for one crooked tooth that is next to the two front teeth on a 7 year old?

Heck no! She barely has adult teeth and her jaw is still growing, so things may straighten. She can start early intervention braces for teeth as early as 8, but it usually means she'll need braces again by 12 to 14. Crooked teeth can straighten out in young kids.

Should my sister get braces for one crooked tooth that is next to the two front teeth on a 7 year old?
If she already has all her adult teeth grown in, and she has no cavities, she should be able to get braces.

But it all really depends on how crooked the teeth really are.

If it's just little, take her to the dentist and ask for there advice.

If I were you, I would take her to the orthodontists just in case.

It's better to get your teeth checked out when you are younger.
Reply:7 year old?won't that be too young?well, u can always consult a dentist regarding this, bring that kid over to the dentist and have his/her teeth checked, u can try view this site that i found for lists of dental care services...


Why do most japanese have crooked teeth?

some don't go to the dentist, I see that too but mostly on girls.

Why do most japanese have crooked teeth?
Don't know, but I love Asian girls.
Reply:they love candy. you know japan!
Reply:Dont know either but love Asian men.
Reply:never noticed
Reply:They didn't eat hard food when they were children.

Because their jaws are very small.

performing arts

Are there any celebrities with crooked teeth?

Dakota Fanning has some messed up teeth..but she has braces now :D

Are there any celebrities with crooked teeth?
olarry the cable fool.
Reply:Dave Letterman... I can think of more guys than women cuz women have to look perfect for men %26amp; men just have to be good in bed... oh. :)

LOL B Man! :)* (wasn't that only in Dumb %26amp; Dumber? I thought that was cosmetic %26amp; not his real teeth! lol) He just has a goofy look on his face even when he's being serious. But he sure is entertaining! He's done alot for movie goers! So bet everyone's thankful for him amusing them. I can't take him seriously when he does the romantic scenes cuz he just doesn't have that romantic look about him. But there's more to a person than that! Maybe he's a really good guy, too. But in this day %26amp; age, good guys %26amp; gals finish last? :)*

Tom Cruise does, the line between his two front teeth are way off from center of his mouth, but hey, he's still cute. Probably helps that they are white. :)))))***********
Reply:well... Jim Carrey has chipped teeth, does that count?
Reply:Probably some British one
Reply:Jewel, Lauren Hutton... many others. Sure, many famous people have crooked teeth!
Reply:heck no they all had braces before the were born!! ROFL!!!
Reply:Tons. Usually you see more American celebrities with their bottom teeth crooked than the top. British celebrities are more accepting of flaws like that so a lof of them have bad teeth. An example of a celebrity with crooked teeth: Jewel
Reply:that guy who plays in a lot of movies that looks like a weasel or something....can't think of his name tho. He's in A LOT of big movies.
Reply:yeah shakira
Reply:a lot of them, and sadly, i do, but my family cant afford to pay for braces.
Reply:Madonna has the gap!!
Reply:Biggest one of all, Steve Buschemi
Reply:Absolutely. This is kind of an old example, but Patrick McGoohan of The Prisoner had totally crooked teeth. I remember his grimacing once on the series and suddenly realizing why he perpetually went around with a pissed off, tight-lipped expression.

That was in the late 1960s, though, and he was an actor from the U.K..
Reply:Madonna has a GAP between ur TEETH! hope that helps!!!
Reply:don't think so. none that I know of.

hair talk

Why do some people have crooked teeth?

They grew in that way and their parents never paid for dental care.

Why do some people have crooked teeth?
Because they eat trees
Reply:They are English..
Reply:no ones as perfect as you that why, some ppl are born that way
Reply:Recent studies show that some people have crooked teeth because their parents were ugly. The scientists found that these same people are also more likely to be unpleasant to look at.

I hope this helps.
Reply:nobodies perfect
Reply:they grow that way, a lot of them inherit it
Reply:people have to small of a mouth and the permanent teeth that are coming in push on ur teeth which cause them to go crooked.That's why they made braces!
Reply:There are many, many reasons but just to name a few, getting hit there so now they are shifting, gens, chewing on things, the list gos on.

Reply:Why are some, fat, skinny, big, short, ugly, pretty, blond, brunette, dark-skinned, light-skinned, smart, not-so-smart..... need I go on?????
Reply:It is caused by their genes. It can be corrected but only by expensive and lengthy orthodentic treatment, and for best results has to be done in childhood.
Reply:Because they just grow that way.
Reply:Thats the way they grew and they cannot or do not wish to get braces to straighten their teeth.
Reply:because they played with their tongue when the teeth were barely growing...
Reply:genetics and the size of ur jaw
Reply:some didn't have money to go get that corrected ,there are all kinds of reasons,some teeth came in that way,
Reply:It has scientifically been linked to having crooked thoughts.

small business

Would you rather have bad crooked teeth OR really big bags under your eyes?

Hell, I have a little of I guess it really doesn't matter

Would you rather have bad crooked teeth OR really big bags under your eyes?
crooked teeth ..and get braces
Reply:the bags..because there is makeup to hide them (by the way i have naturally dark circles under my eyes..and i also know how to hide them well!)
Reply:bags under my eyes

at least i'd still be able to eat properly
Reply:Bags, and wear concealer.
Reply:bags...because i could get rid of those with foundation or preperation h cream
Reply:big bags
Reply:I guess teeth. I could easily get that repaired by a dentist. The bags I would have to invest my life saving in good quality concealers and plastic surgery.
Reply:baggy eyes
Reply:bags. have them now and i use make up. i have fabulous teeth. long time no see Smitty.
Reply:i would rather have crooked teeth cuz then i could fix them with braces or surgery of some sort
Reply:both it wil be so sexy babeyy
Reply:teeth i think that could be fixed cheaper
Reply:Crooked teeth -- I already have them so I know they're not very much of a problem unless you're trying to convince someone you're not the one who took that bite out of [whatever]... har har har
Reply:teeth can be fixed easier I think
Reply:bags under my eyes. Make up can fix that...but if your teeth are crooked, you gotta pay loads of money to get them fixed. And you're unattractive and can possibly scare small children. The other downfall to crooked teeth is that there is a chance that you could pass your curse of bad teeth down to any children that you may have.
Reply:bags...u can cover them up!
Reply:Crooked Teeth. I could just get braces.
Reply:bags cause it takes shorter time to get rid of em
Reply:crooked teeth, I'd much rather get teeth straightened than deal with the baggage.
Reply:big bags," Hello doctor, yes I would love some eye cream. Why, thank you very much!"
Reply:BIg bags under my eyes, make-up will cover it up and you can't hide crooked teeth. :)
Reply:Crooked teeth. Because if you have big bags under your eyes, you'll always be ugly. And if you get surgery for it, it may be fatal when you grow older. But crooked teeh can be saved. All you need is braces. =]]
Reply:the teeth (I just wouldn't smile)
Reply:Really bad crooked teeth !!!! They would be a lot easier and cheaper to fix than baggy eyes !!!!!
Reply:id rather have bad bags. i put on it would actually make it look cooler.
Reply:crooked teeth

But I'd rather have someone playing around in my mouth to fix my teeth than have someone sticking needles in my eyes.
Reply:Crooked teeth, easier to fix then the bags under my eyes.

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Why do the english have crooked teeth?

my mom says that when she lived there, they didn't really use the same dental practices as here in america. she said that when she was little, if you had something wrong with your tooth, they'd just pull it out, rather than going through a ton of trouble to make it healthy again. this creates gaps [obviously] and then the teeth move around and as a result, they become crooked. also i don't think they are as obsessive over giving children braces as they are in the US. cause i live in california and like every kid i know has or had braces..

Why do the english have crooked teeth?
Reply:huh? all english people have crooked teeth? nuh uh!
Reply:LOL, i know what you mean! They dont think hygiene is important. They just dont care. If americans helped them, they would have better teeth.

I must admit, their teeth are disgusting.
Reply:I think that the US ranks first place when it comes to appearances, that is, what they feel is attractive. Who doesn't or hasn't had braces in this country? I think having healthy teeth is more important then whether or not they're perfectly straight.
Reply:I don't think the english have particularly crooked teeth, not when you look at people in the southern U.S. states who have very crooked teeth or indeed no teeth in their heads at all. No matter where you live in this world, crooked teeth could be too many teeth too close together which can be a hereditary thing.
Reply:Biting the caps off Guiness bottles when there's no bottle openers around??
Reply:That used to be an old stereotype, but with America's lack of health care, everywhere I look in New York City, everybody has broken, missing or crooked teeth. From what I'm seeing it's becoming common. Pretty soon it's going to be added to the stereotypical picture that the rest of the world has of Americans being loud, obnoxious and lacking in class (oh, and also fat!)

But hey, us American's say "If you don't like it you can Git out!"
Reply:Tradition. They are way more focused on class divisions than teeth. A commoner with perfect teeth will still have to bow to a lord with ugly teeth. Thus the lord or duke or earl can't be bothered about his teeth, except by a superior, who likely has even worse teeth. It's just not done.
Reply:i think its how they talk...the way they move their mouth....but thats my opinion.

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Why are people born with crooked teeth?

It depends on a lot of factors.

Some of them would be genetics, jaw size, sequence in which primary (baby) teeth are lost, amount of teeth, and the shape/size of teeth.

When adult teeth are formed and push their way up, the roots of the primary teeth over it are resorbed (dissolved) which makes the baby tooth loose. baby teeth are like natural braces. The roots guide the adult teeth into their correct positions. Sometimes, baby teeth that aren't supposed to come out at that time come out, or the tooth above it comes down in a strange position. This can cause crooked teeth.

Genetics have a strong tie to how large your jaw is, how many teeth you form, and the shape/size of the teeth. Advances in dentistry and other medical fields make these problems fixable. The whole "survival of the fittest" factor has been eliminated due to these advances, because if you can afford to fix it, you can survive.

In my case, my teeth look nothing like my parent's teeth. I did get my dad's strong enamel, which I'm thankful for. However, I have an excess of gums which will be taken care of through a gingivectomy that my sister, mom, and dad never had. So it doesn't necessarily have everything to do with genes.

Why are people born with crooked teeth?
Most people aren't born with a full set of teeth!
Reply:most mouths are too small for a full set of adult teeth and the teeth crowd due to the amount of space.
Reply:people are born with no teeth.
Reply:No human is born with teeth ... they start to come in at around 8 to 10 months ... if they're cooked, they are a lot of influencing factors including genetics, arch width and size of the teeth themselves. Who knows for sure? That's why orthodontics is such a huge business!
Reply:There are many factors such as pacifiers %26amp; sucking your thumb which can prevent teeth going into their places.My bottom teeth are crooked because i didn't pull out my baby tooth in time so it twisted out of place trying to come out.
Reply:you were born with crooked teeth?

some people come up with the stupidest questions ever

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My teenage daughter has some crooked teeth can she get veneers instead of braces?

I would highly recommend getting braces instead of veneers. For veneers they need to drill away some of the tooth or else the teeth will look bulky. Also, I'm not sure if your daughter has had her wisdom teeth out yet or not, but sometimes they can cause the teeth to move/crowd. So if she's around 13 or 14 or so and you get these veneers, there's a chance when her wisdom teeth start to come out or try to come out (a lot of the time they end up impacted) they can push her front teeth together as well, which will actually end up messing up these veneers you spent all the money on.

Another thing is if you get veneers to make the teeth "appear" straight, they still won't be on the insides of the teeth, and that causes problems for catching food and for brushing and for flossing, which leads to it being a lot easier to get cavities or gum problems or bone loss and stuff.

I'm not sure how crowded the teeth are either... but if they're very crowded and rotated and it doesn't seem like there's much space for anything then the veneers will just add bulk to the teeth and not help with problems in the future.

I think I repeated myself a few times, sorry. Hope it makes sense though and you get my point.

My teenage daughter has some crooked teeth can she get veneers instead of braces?
Only your dentist can answer that question. If she has any kind of an overbite she will need braces. When your daughter has her next 6 month cleaning/checkup as the dentist about all of this.
Reply:That would be up to her orthodontist. If she is eligible, consider the cost. It is expensive, and veneers must be replaced about every 15 years. They also grind down healthy tooth structure to install them. Teenage years are perfect for having braces. It's totally accepted in society and nothing to be ashamed of. Not to mention, they will have permanent results for much less.

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Did Kurt Cobain Have Crooked Teeth?

This is something ive always been courios about for some reason

Did Kurt Cobain Have Crooked Teeth?
I don't so, well at least the top ones. he was gorgeous!

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Why are people with crooked teeth so rude?

They always spit on me when they talk. Why?

Why are people with crooked teeth so rude?
Are you drinking right now?
Reply:I think that that is rude of you.
Reply:They spit becasue of their teeth.
Reply:the crooked teeth must launch the spit out of their mouth
Reply:Maybe you have one of those faces. You probably bring it out of them.

Anthony Keidis has crooked teeth and he is hot.
Reply:i have no idea what people are you talking too,just avoid that all together
Reply:they are rude because they have low self esteem as for spitting they forget how to swallow their saliva
Reply:I think slightly crooked teeth are sexy
Reply:I guess they consider you "spit worthy".
Reply:Maybe because you are an idiot. Just a guess.
Reply:because there teeth ate crooked, i think you answered that one yourself sweetness
Reply:They might not like you, and are too scared to say so. I don't know why though, you are so magnetic.
Reply:You're joking right?
Reply:The fear of orthodontia
Reply:I think, because they never learn to be polite.
Reply:well thats why they have crooked teeath becaue they are rude so they always getting smacked for it!
Reply:i'm quite rude, and i have perfect teeth.

also your question is very rude. really funny though.

you have alot of balls to insult so many less fortunate people.
Reply:you are staying much close to them

consider their comfort personal space
Reply:Gee, guess who sounds rude? You? duh! what the hell does crooked teeth have to do with anything?? It must be nice to be perfect, too bad you'll never know! You probably give off vibes that automatically sets people off on you!

Plant question

Friday, July 31, 2009

How do i prevent crooked teeth?

I worked for a dentist that told kids that had crooked front teeth to take a popcicle stick and use it to push the teeth forward or push them backward. He said to do that when watching T.V. The small amount of pressure over time would move the teeth.

How do i prevent crooked teeth?
I don't think there's really a way to prevent it once it starts to show signs...just try to get braces to fix them asap.
Reply:Not much you can do to prevent them, in mild cases retainers may help them from shifting but only braces will straighten very crooked teeth.

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Would you rather have crooked teeth with the inability to afford braces, or severe gingivitis?

You HAVE to pick one.

Would you rather have crooked teeth with the inability to afford braces, or severe gingivitis?
Crooked teeth. You might not look your best but at least your gums won't bleed.

I have crooked teeth and never got them fixed, yet I get complimented on my smile quit a bit.....when I actual do smile

So, I'll stick with that
Reply:damnnn. hard choice haha. but i guess crooked teeth with the inability to afford braces because i used to have crooked teeth but then i got braces, thank God. hahaha. but yeah i'd choose that rather than have gingivitus.
Reply:crooked teeth
Reply:crooked teeth.
Reply:crooked teeth.
Reply:crooked can actually slowey move em straight yourself but i wouldnt recomend it having gingivities sounds too painfull and smelly

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How do you prevent crooked teeth in dogs/shih tzus?

Your dog was bred as a show dog so likely came from a very responsible breeder

who chose only to breed pairs who were genetically sound and had good jaws and teeth, who likely showed and had them titled meaning they past the test for breed standard and conformance to the breed which mean the parent had to have straight teeth as well and that is why your pup had a good set of teeth.

Other breeders only breed for money, they don't care enough to do genetic testing or to pick only the best specimens of the breed and that is why so many shih tzu's have crappy teeth both in formation and density and will have under or overshot jaws, all they care about is having a male and female mate and produce puppies, once they get $300 to $500 they don't care if the pup has seizures or heart or kidney problems or any thing else

It takes a lot of homework to find a good breeder who breeds for quality. I would say less than 20% of the shih tzu breeders out the are reputable and breed for quality the othe 80% are breeding for the almightly dollar and are doing it as cheaply as they can to maximize profits

How do you prevent crooked teeth in dogs/shih tzus?
what do you do about Tirya's buck teeth

and married to troll (dogsdogman's) unusually small penis? Report It

Reply:People are gong to think this is nuts but I've actually seen braces on some dogs. Especially Shih tzus!
Reply:If we could prevent crooked teeth in mammals, don't you think we'd do it to humans?
Reply:Any smush-faced breed is going to have crooked teeth. It's a genetic problem associated with the deformed shape of their face. A canine is supposed to have a long jaw to support all those teeth, when you breed them to have shorter faces, the teeth get smushed and end up crooked. There's really nothing you can to to prevent it. If you don't like the way it looks, buy a long-nosed breed.
Reply:If you are going to get a breed that is prone to crooked teeth then you can expect it. I have never heard of dog braces for teeth. That sounds like someone that has way too much money. If the dogs bite is off and it is unable to eat properly then have the problem teeth removed


Death Cab For Cutie, "Crooked Teeth"...?

Are the lyrics,

"with rotten wood that decayed from the start" or

"with rotten wood meant to cave from the start" ?

You'll probably say 'the first one' because if you look it up online, that's what every site says... but listen to the song. Sometimes it really sounds like a 'v' in there.

Are the lyrics in the liner notes? I don't have the actual album, just a burned copy, so idk. Can someone give me definite proof? (i.e. from an official DCFC site or liner notes)

thanks :]

Death Cab For Cutie, "Crooked Teeth"...?
i cant give you proof, but i believe it is the first line.
Reply:My album doesn't have they lyrics printed and all the "official" dcfc didnt have lyrics posted sooo... the only other place i saw was Complete Album Lyrics, thats not posted by people with their best guesses, and said it was "with rotten wood that decayed from the start"

if thats any help :)


If you have ugly, yellow or crooked teeth .. can you sue the tooth fairy for discrimination???

id someone has really nasty teeth then maybe the tooth fairy should sue them for insulting her intelligence and actually expecting her to give them a quarter

If you have ugly, yellow or crooked teeth .. can you sue the tooth fairy for discrimination???
mine r perfect

but yes sue that toothfairy
Reply:If she exists, sure give it a try. Good Luck.

The tooth fairy is only responsible for buying back the ones that fall out.

You have to sue god for the bad teeth.

My, the christians are testy again today...
Reply:I'm not sure...don't have that problem !
Reply:I do have ugly, yellow and crooked teeth. But maybe to my own doing too. I hated milk when I was young and never paid attention to taking care of myself, and we were poor enough not to afford braces.
Reply:I'm with Carkie. It's totally God's fault.

Sue him.
Reply:No, but just sue the chocolate company and the coffee company!
Reply:You can pretty much sue anyone these days. I mean, we have kids divorcing their parents. The law will stop at nothing!
Reply:hehe mine are normal too but if u can sue the tooth fairy i wish mine were crooked now :)
Reply:NO you cannot sue the Tooth Fairy for discrimination... That is your fault if you have ugly, yellow, and croooked teeth!

It ain't her fault
Reply:lol... the tooth fairy doesn't exist! Unless if she only exists in your brain... :-)
Reply:no i luv the toothfairry

Reply:yeah sure, go ahead and sue the tooth collecting flying thing.. from all those ugly, yellow, crooked teeth of yours n everybody elses, she could've hit a jackpot by now.. Take em all baby!! But, why stop there? sue those lephracauns, fairy godmothers, mermaids, trolls, nymphs n all that!! Go ahead boy, sue em all!! AIyaiyaiyaiyai!!!!
Reply:mine teeth are perfact too, but sur find that tooth fairy and sue them good
Reply:Well before i think about it i will sue u for that stupid question

see u at mahkama el nakd

in downtown, cairo, egypt

Wednesday 29th November 2006

Case no.: 4186/455

See u there
Reply:I think so. Considering people people can sue for almost anything now, including damage they did to themselves.
Reply:i have perfect teeth never had a blessed with a beautiful smile...
Reply:No you can't.


Are you born with crooked teeth as a gene... or is it something that developes over time?

Usually it's genetic. If you have crooked teeth, your child is likely to, unless the other parent has naturally straight teeth and they have their genes.

Crooked teeth can develop with injury, etc., or sometimes the jaw is too small to accomodate all the adult teeth, but then again, that in itself is usually a genetic thing.

I've often thought about all these gorgeous actors/actresses who have had their teeth, noses, boobs, eyes, and everything else done. I wonder how it hits them when they have NORMAL kids with crooked teeth and big noses! The kids aren't going to inherit their corrected imperfections!

Are you born with crooked teeth as a gene... or is it something that developes over time?
I think it's something thatdevelopes over time
Reply:it develops over time
Reply:I personally think it develops over time and I think it depends on how fast you pulled out wiggly teeth as a kid. I personally pulled them out ASAP and all of mine are straight, but my bro always waits to the last minute (sometimes two teeth in one spot) and his are growing crooked... hope that helps...
Reply:That develops over time but if you pull your teeth out sooner they are more likely to not be crooked.
Reply:people who live in england have crooked teeth,and green teeth!
Reply:genetics dear! you gain these great features from parents and gradparents
Reply:it runs in the family, so it must be genes

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I have really crooked teeth can someone give me advice? I live in England and cant afford cosmetic treatment?

HELP! Its really getting me down my mother never took me as a child and now im 25 ive had enough ive been teased about it since i can remember i have low self esteem and i just want them fixed,i feel like knocking them out and just having falsies but i wldnt im just thinking this way because im so desperate.

My own mother use to ridicule me then my ex partner,peers at school some advice please ? cant get a loan either .

Thank you in advance.

I have really crooked teeth can someone give me advice? I live in England and cant afford cosmetic treatment?
That's the way you are supposed to look. Ignore the jerks who ridicule your looks. As long as you don't get cavities because of the crooked teeth you are fine. keep brushing and flossing and drink plenty of water. Smile!
Reply:Eat carrots
Reply:the only treatment for crooked teeth is braces
Reply:Well if you are talking about dental surgery that you can't pay for then something that is a little cheaper but gets the same goal. Braces. Just takes awhile.
Reply:i got a few crooked teeth i think cos i fell and it knocked them . . . i dont care its my body they look like that why should i or you care what people think....

if you want them changed though if its depressing you, and making life hard ect go to the doctor as it wont be cosmetic as you feel like sh!t so they might do something for free ......

so yea just ask your doctor and explain if you dont ask you dont get

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