Sunday, August 2, 2009

LADIES -- cute funny guy with horrible crooked teeth?

how would you cope with someone like that?

when ever they laugh you want to cry.

LADIES -- cute funny guy with horrible crooked teeth?
It sounds like your being a little judgemental. So what if his teeth are crooked? Are you made perfect? If it bothers you that bad then why did you even ask this question, it sounds like your a tad shallow, sorry.
Reply:Thanks for making my morning LMAO.

Austin Powers came to mind, sorry.

Bring him to a good dentist. He's gotta know.
Reply:Where in England do you live?

Go to a civilized country and put some braces on him. Two years later he'll be Heath Ledger.
Reply:If you like the person that should not bother you at all.
Reply:If you like him don't sweat it -- his teeth can always be corrected. It's what is inside that really counts doesn't it?
Reply:Horrible crooked teeth is a small problem as it can be easily fixed. You cant fix a horrible personality.
Reply:usually girls don't look at a guy's teeth. We look at the eyes. And if your the guy with the teeth, then don't feel bad. I know how you feel. Every time i try to laugh I have to cover my teeth. It is embarrassing. but if they are yellow, then you could get Crest White Strips. That is what I did and they worked the very first day I got them. As for the crookedness, all I can say is braces if they are bad. I used to have a huge gap between my front teeth when I was little. I could stick chicken and straws in them. But they eventually closed up. But don't worry man, it's all about the personality. That's why we fall in love with guys. Good luck!!!

Reply:Funny, the first thing that came to mind was what tacomadc said. I just recently had a "British teeth" discussion with an English friend. Just remember that teeth can be fixed, but funny and a big heart are good qualities that are hard to come by. Everyone has their quirks that make them unique. It isn't bothering him, try not to let it bother you.
Reply:my bf is like that.. and trust me when you really get to know him those teeth will not even bother you.. you wont even notice daughter was born with a big red patch across her nose and i never see it.. just like a lot of people .. once you get to know them all you really see is them
Reply:Look at the big picture, you could do worse, if you really like everything else about him continue to see him. Remember teeth can be corrected.


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