Sunday, August 2, 2009

Whats the harm of wearing your retainers after ortho treatment has ended? don't want crooked teeth to come bac

No harm. In fact most orthos will tell you that if you want your teeth to stay stright for life, you need to wear retainers at night forever. Most people don't do this, and that why when they're older their teeth start shifting. Your teeth will always want to move back to their original position so the retainer holds them in their new alignment.

Whats the harm of wearing your retainers after ortho treatment has ended? don't want crooked teeth to come bac
no harm. my ortho told me that i should wear my retainer as long as i wanted to keep straight teeth lol.
Reply:after five years of braces my sister lost hers.. yep her teeth are back to the same position when she first started... i put a bar behind my lowers i worked in the dental feild for over 13 years so after my braces as an adult i don't mind 1 extra min brushing in my day.
Reply:No harm. Just brush and floss before bed. Wear those things EVERY night forever! Teeth shift througout life. The smile we have now won't be the smile we have in 20+ years (they won't be as white either!)--that's just life. It all comes with birthdays. But, to maintain as proper position as possible, wear your retainers while you sleep from now on.


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