Sunday, August 2, 2009

I am severely depressed cos of my crooked teeth am 23 want braces but cant afford to go private can nhs help?

i had the chance when i was at school but my mother was an alcoholic and couldnt be botherd to brush my hair let alone consider my oral health she would often tease me in a drunken rant i also recieved bullying at school this has given me very low self esteem i have no confidence what so ever. want to do more with myself as i did well at school but i cant get past this sometimes i get so low because of this.

I am severely depressed cos of my crooked teeth am 23 want braces but cant afford to go private can nhs help?
Some cosmetic dentists have a goal of doing at least 5 pro bono cases a year. This is especially in the big cities. You can see if there are some available.
Reply:I'm no expert, but there maybe some government service that could provide assistance. I am from the U.S. While we have no socialized medicine, it is my understanding that England does, so you could attempt to find more information regarding the services provided by your government. In the U.S., many low income people go to Mexico or elsewhere. I really feel that the cost for medical and dental services are unreasonable and unjustifiable in many locations. Countries such as Mexico and Thailand are providing much needed medical and dental service to Americans, who are uninsured and/or unable to afford the cost of medical/dental service in their home country.

skin cancer

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