Sunday, August 2, 2009

Wisdom teeth making top teeth become slightly crooked - invisaline braces?

I've been putting off getting my wisdom teeth taken out because I'm chicken...but now I really need to soon because 4 of my top teeth have gotten slightly crooked. My question is about the invisaline braces. Has anyone ever had them just to fix a few teeth that are slightly off? How long did you have to wear them? Can you talk okay with them on? Any ideas on how expensive it would be just to get my top teeth done? Thanks for any info.

Wisdom teeth making top teeth become slightly crooked - invisaline braces?
you can get the invisalign whenever you want BUT if you dont get those wisdom teeth removed then the invisalign isnt going to do you any good. Just get them removed. its not as bad as it seems, as long as your numbed up, maybe even sedated if you need it, the process will be fairly quick and virtually painless. Then you can talk to someone about invisalign. I havent seen anyone do just one arch, i dont know for sure if they do just one arch but for the whole treatment its about 3-4000.00

It is weird to talk in them for a day or two but you get used to it, the time you wear them depends on how out of line your teeth are. some people are as few as 6 months, some as long as a year, a small few are longer then a year.
Reply:Pull them. Long term solution.
Reply:I am the worst chicken in the world and I kept putting off pulling my wisdom teeth. I finally had all four of them pulled out a few years ago and the fear was a lot worse than the proceedure. Do not put it off!
Reply:Don't be afraid of getting your wisdom teeth out. It will not hurt at all. Go to a oral surgeons office and they will probably put you to sleep, when you awake it's over. Your gums will be sore for a few days but the doctor will prescribe pain medication for this. Do not worry about braces until you first take care of the wisdom teeth. Go see an orthodontist for a consultation appointment and they will tell you all the facts about braces. The cost and how long you will wear them. Best wishes.
Reply:I use to have braces and ignored the wisdom teeth. Now my teeth are crooked again. It was just a little crowding in the beginning, now there is teeth overlaping. I'm getting them out tomorrow. Get the out and get them over with.They may get MORe crooked if you let them fully come in. I'm scared too but I'm soo tired of feeling it. Get them out first then look at all your options to get them straight. Good luck!

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