Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anyone know why Kirsten Dunst has such crooked teeth?

And why she hasn't done anything about it.

Anyone know why Kirsten Dunst has such crooked teeth?
Her teeth are crooked due to genetics.

She hasn't done anything about it because they're not ugly, they're a unique aspect of her appearance, and they add to her appeal.

It'd be sad if every single actor had the same, perfect, capped teeth.

In fact, I appreciate the fact that she likes herself, crooked teeth and all!
Reply:Why do you care?
Reply:she was born that way and maybe she is happy with the way she is
Reply:Genetics is why. She hasn't fixed them because they're cute.
Reply:She said in the Star Magazine the reason is that she thinks crooked teeth are sexy. I would have them fixed if I had her money but maybe she likes them.
Reply:She doesn't, you know. Her second teeth, the ones next to the incisors, curve inward, like a child's teeth. It's cute, or hideous, depending on how you feel about Ms. Dunst and yourself, i suppose.
Reply:maybe she thinks that people are more focused on her acting (which is her job) and less on her teeth...which I haven't even noticed were crooked if they are.
Reply:Do ALL celebrities have to have perfect teeth? Isn't it refreshing that someone doesn't alter their appearance to suit the media's ideal cookie-cutter image? Go, Kirsten!
Reply:She's not as obsessed with the Hollywood look as the other actresses, which I think is good. Keep up the crooked teeth-look Kirsten!
Reply:There are so many stars that have crooked teeth and I don't know why they don't do anything to fix it. It's not like they can't afford invisaligns or something, lol. They just do. Us non-celebrities sometimes have straighter teeth then a huge A-list star.
Reply:b/c she was born like that

maybe she likes them like that
Reply:It's her style, look at Patricia Arquette or Lauren Bacall. She may just be keeping real and they haven't hurt her career.
Reply:rom opening beer with her teeth! If she does anything about it then she won't be able to open beer with her teeth!
Reply:Don't you have anything more important to think about. Who the hell cares
Reply:Jewel has a snaggle tooth, and Madonna has a gap in her front teeth. Maybe she likes them that way.
Reply:does it really matter? i think everyone has done said what i wanted to...
Reply:She was born that way and likes the way she looks.
Reply:My first guess would be that she was born that way and my second guess is that she's not giving into the belief that Hollywood actresses have to be perfect in order to be considered attractive or talented.
Reply:It's to offset her giant head.
Reply:I would guess they are crooked cuz she hasn't worn braces!! Why should she fix them if they don't bother her? It's not like they take away from her natural beauty. Unless of course you are totally shallow and think only perfect can be beautiful.


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